

The 24th international conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 


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  • 日程
    3-7 July,2023
  • 会場
    Tokyo, Japan

It is time to bridge the artificial intelligence and education divide.

The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (IAIED.org) will take place in Tokyo, Japan, from July 3-7, 2023, and is open for professional tracks to educators, philosophers, educational researchers, AI developers, and graduate students from all around the world who are interested in AI in education. The AIED community would greatly benefit from hearing thoughtful opinions from a broad range of people. We would like to invite you to send your contributions to one of the following:

Late-breaking results track: This is a fantastic opportunity to share the results of your latest research and get comments from your peers. AIED2023 Call for Late-Breaking Results. Length: 4 pages, including references. Due: Mar 6, 2023. https://aied2023.org/clbr.html

Bluesky paper track: This AIED2023 special track invites papers from researchers, practitioners, and industry partners to envision what’s to come in the next 30 years. Due date is Feb 20, 2023. https://aied2023.org/c_bluesky.html

Workshops and Tutorials: Call for workshops and tutorials is due on Feb 20, 2023. Please submit your proposals on emerging AIED topics. Inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility, as well as the gap between academia, business, and non-profit, are especially welcome topics. https://aied2023.org/c_workshops_tutorials.html

Doctoral Consortium: We seek contributions from early career researchers from broad areas -interdisciplinary research concepts, theoretical frameworks, methodological techniques, etc. Due on Feb. 06, 2023 (with funding consideration by the IAIED Society and NSF). https://aied2023.org/cdcp.html

Please also assist to spread this message through your educational leadership network.

Thank you and See you in Tokyo this July.

AIED 2023 Publicity Team
Tho Pham
Miguel Portaz