

国際会議 TALE2020 開催のご案内


- 1211

  • 日程
    8-11 December 2020
  • 会場

IEEE TALE2020は,オンライン開催になりました.



Submission Deadline: 17 August 2020, JST (Hard Deadline)

JSET is an academic sponsor of TALE2020.
Registration fees are discounted for JSET members.


The IEEE Education Society and TALE 2020 Organizing Committee have been closely monitoring developments related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, with the safety and wellbeing of all conference participants being our foremost priority. In light of the guidance and recommendations of the relevant international and national health organizations, we have made the decision to switch from our plans for a face-to-face event in Takamatsu, Japan to a fully online conference format. Importantly, the dates of the conference will remain the same, and all papers that are accepted, registered, and presented will still be published in the proceedings that will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. The specific online platform(s) that will be used to host the conference will be announced in the coming weeks.


TALE is the IEEE Education Society’s premier conference series in the Asia-Pacific region ( http://www.tale-conference.org/ ). It aims to provide a forum for scholars and practitioners to share their knowledge and experience in engineering and technology education, as well as in technology-enabled educational innovation across a variety of academic and professional disciplines. The target audience of the conference is diverse and includes those working in the higher education, vocational education and training (VET), K-12, corporate, government and healthcare sectors.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Embarking on a new era of learning with transformative technologies.”

The conference theme challenges us to look anew at how the potential of current and emerging technologies can and/or should be harnessed for education and learning in our ever-changing world. Over the last several decades, digital technologies have revolutionized the way we work, play and learn—arguably changing our lives for the better overall—but they have not come without their problems and challenges (e.g., environmental degradation, social inequity arising from the “digital divide,” ethical and moral dilemmas brought about by artificial intelligence). Over the next ten years (2020–2029), technologies such as AI, robotics, brain–computer interfaces, and extended or cross-reality (XR) that augment human sensory abilities, cognition and performance will continue to evolve and have a transformative impact. How can we ensure this transformation is positive, both for and through learning? As these technologies increasingly blur the boundaries between human and machine, and between physical and virtual, what can we do so the technology works toward our advantage, for the betterment of all of society and of our planet? Participants of TALE 2020 are encouraged to engage with these and other questions from creative, multidimensional and interdisciplinary perspectives as we stand on the precipice of this new era of learning with transformative technologies.


  1. Engineering Education (University/College)
  2. Computing & IT Education (University/College)
  3. STEM Education (K-12)
  4. Technology-Enhanced Learning
  5. Open, Flexible & Distance Learning
  6. Workplace & Industry-Based Learning


  1. XR and Immersive Learning Environments
    Organized in conjunction with the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN)
  2. Big Data, Analytics and Machine Learning in Education
    Organized in conjunction with Learning and Educational Data Science Research Unit (LEDS), Kyushu University
  3. Preparing the workforce for Industry 4.0: Robotics, automation, and ubiquitous smart technologies in education
    Organized in cooperation with Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS)


Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

  • Academic Staff/Faculty Development
  • Accreditation and Quality Assurance
  • Active Learning Spaces
  • Artificial Intelligence in Education
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Blockchain in Education
  • Capstone Projects and Project-Based Learning
  • Computer-Based Learning and Courseware Technologies
  • Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
  • Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
  • Curriculum Design
  • Distance, Open and Flexible Education
  • Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics
  • Educational Games and Simulations
  • Educational Policy, Leadership and Administration
  • Entrepreneurship Programs
  • Ethical, Legal and Social Justice Issues (e.g., Access, Equity)
  • Gender and Diversity
  • Generic Skills (e.g., Communications, Teamwork)
  • Human–Machine Collaborative Learning
  • Industry Linkages and Partnerships
  • Instructional and Learning Design
  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  • Introductory Engineering and Computing Courses
  • Just-in-Time Learning and Job Performance Support
  • K–12 Initiatives and Partnerships
  • Laboratory Experiences (On-Campus and Remote)
  • Learning Management Systems
  • Learning Technology Standards and Standardization
  • Marketing and Outreach for Engineering and Computing Programs
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
  • Microcredentialing and Badges
  • Online/E-Learning and Blended Learning
  • Open Educational Resources (OER)
  • Personal Data and Security in Education
  • Research Training (Undergraduate and Postgraduate)
  • Robotics in Education
  • Service Learning and Experiential Learning
  • STE(A)M education in K-12 or higher education
  • Technology Infrastructure for Supporting Next-Generation Learning (e.g., 5G, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things)
  • Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Learning Environments
  • Wearable, Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning
  • Work-Based and Work-Integrated Learning

KEY DATES (2nd Round CFP)

  • Paper Submission Deadline: 17 August 2020, JST (Hard Deadline)
  • Notification of Acceptance: 1 October 2020
  • Camera-ready submission: 8 October 2020
  • Early-bird and Presenter Registration: 8 October 2020
  • Conference: 8 – 11 December 2020


  • Full (6-8 pages) Paper for Oral Presentation
  • Short (4-6 pages) Paper for Oral Presentation
  • Short (4-6 pages) Paper for Poster Presentation
  • Work-in-Progress Paper (2-4 pages) for Poster Presentation


Prospective authors are invited to prepare submissions of two (2) to eight (8) A4 pages (including tables, figures and references) in standard IEEE double-column format, using the following template:
Use of any other IEEE templates is NOT acceptable as there are subtle differences between those templates and the conference template that will affect the consistency in appearance of papers published in the proceedings. Importantly:

  • Do not change the paper size (A4) or margins in the template.
  • The headers and footers must remain empty. (They should not contain page numbers or anything else!)
  • Formatting of the paper must be done using the pre-defined MS-Word styles in the template, rather than manually. The paper must use all the predefined font styles, sizes etc. as per the template.
  • Basic examples of citations and references are included in the template, but authors are required to fully adhere to the guidelines and instructions stipulated in the IEEE Reference Guide at http://ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/wp-content/uploads/IEEE-Reference-Guide.pdf. (Where are conflicts between the template and the IEEE Reference Guide, the IEEE Reference Guide prevails.)
  • Please ensure that all template text (guidance text for composing and formatting conference papers) is removed from your conference paper prior to submission.

Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission through the conference website, from which guidelines and templates are available. Submissions will not be accepted via e-mail. A blind peer-review process will be used to evaluate all submitted papers. For more information and to access the submission system, please visit the conference website.

Paper Submission System (ConfTool): https://www.conftool.net/tale-conference/


All accepted and registered full, short and work-in-progress papers that are presented at TALE 2020 as well as all extended abstracts describing the nontraditional sessions presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Content loaded into Xplore is made available by IEEE to its abstracting and indexing partners, including Elsevier (Scopus, Ei Compendex), Clarivate Analytics (CPCI—part of Web of Science) and others, for potential inclusion in their respective databases.

In addition, the authors of selected papers may be invited to submit revised and expanded versions of their papers for possible publication in the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (2018 JCR Impact Factor: 2.315) or another Scopus and/or Web of Science-indexed journal, subject to the relevant journal’s regular editorial and peer-review policies and procedures.