
Old Activity of Special Interest Group(SIG)


Programming Education for Elementary School

Representative Akinobu ANDO(Miyagi University of Education)
Vice-Representative Tomohiro YAMAMOTO(Kagoshima University)
SIG committee member Hideki MORI(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Core member Hiroyuki MURAMATSU(Shinsyu University),Go OTA(CoderDojo Ichikawamama/ Kanto Daiichi High School/ Chiba Prefectural Oihama High School)
  • Our Missions and Goals

    JSET members, who have various research backgrounds, have been researching programming education in secondary education and higher education as well as elementary education for a long time. The aim of SIG 14 is to utilize these research outcomes for programing education at elementary schools starting in 2020. Through SIG activities, we will share related researches, educational practices and policy trends with JSET members. We will also enrich discussions about programming education in the aspects of educational technology research to deepen future researches and practices on programing education at elementary schools.

  • Major Activities and Achievements

    Particularly from practical research, we will clarify the research results such as how to shape learning goals and contents, how to develop educational materials and teaching methods in programming education. We will also present the research results on clarification of leadership skills and skills necessary for elementary school teachers, systems and systems to support them, and teacher training for programming education at elementary schools.