In current modern society, the media environment is becoming complicated. Research on media literacy and media education to develop it has become more important than ever. Numerous individual studies on this research field were conducted and accumulated. However, opportunities to organically link these research results were limited. Therefore, we established this SIG to organize the past findings systematically, to accelerate individual studies, and to disseminate new results that can respond to contemporary issues.
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Date of event March 23, 2024
JSET members, who have various research backgrounds, have been researching programming education in secondary education and higher education as well as elementary education for a long time. The aim of SIG 14 is to utilize these research outcomes for programing education at elementary schools starting in 2020. Through SIG activities, we will share related researches, educational practices and policy trends with JSET members. We will also enrich discussions about programming education in the aspects of educational technology research to deepen future researches and practices on programing education at elementary schools.
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Date of event February 7, 2021
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is a new learning framework not only for interdisciplinary subject learning, but also for integrated and inquiry-based learning involving 21st century skills: problem finding and solving process, the 4Cs (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity), presentation skills, and so on. STEAM (added Art) education has also been introduced in recent years.
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Date of event December 19, 2020
Although the artificial intelligence (AI) technologies developed in recent years are being applied in various fields, the applications in education fields are just beginning. AI technologies have great practical potential, for example, for the optimal implementation of the user interface with online learning systems, etc. On the other hand, todayfs common overevaluation of current AI's, and imprecise understandings of what is realizable and where the limits and concerns about the AI technologies are, could impede the practical applications. Considering these aspects, our SIG aims to contribute to development of Educational Technology field.
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Date of event February 24, 2021
In current modern society, the media environment is becoming complicated. Research on media literacy and media education to develop it has become more important than ever. Numerous individual studies on this research field were conducted and accumulated. However, opportunities to organically link these research results were limited. Therefore, we established this SIG to organize the past findings systematically, to accelerate individual studies, and to disseminate new results that can respond to contemporary issues.
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Date of event January 23, 2021
The SIG-05 aims to energize domestic research of game-based-learning and open education in Japan and spread research achievements to the globe. The group offers information about cutting-edge trends and research possibilities in both fields, supports to build a research community and promotes research activities for disseminating research results internationally.
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Date of event February 3, 2018
明治大学中野キャンパス 1403教室
"ICT in education" of SIG04 was established with the aim of promoting practical study focusing on recent issues related to ICT in education. We mainly conduct studies on " Utilization of ICT in class" and "information education" in elementary and middle-high school. For example, we are conducting events to be held with the school. And we are also conducting research projects in collaboration with companies. Therefore, the SIG04 is the most friendly to the school. In detail, there is a practice of "the course program for teacher training facilitator about ICT utilization" which is a collaboration project with NHK for School. And there are also have workshops and seminars to be held with schools where they would like to train teachers on ICT in education, groups related to ICT utilization and information education, etc. In addition, we support collaborative activities with schools, companies, and researchers through the publishing of books for ICT in education and the sharing of information by using SNS.
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Date of event February 15, 2020
In order to accomplish researches on education and learning support systems, it is essential to tackle the researches with considering both development and practice. For that end, it is necessary to construct various methods such as knowledge of teaching material design, technology for development, experience of practice, knowledge of analysis and evaluation of learning logs. With this sharing of knowledge, SIG-03(SIG-SYS) will set up various opportunities for members to actually reach from the study of their research design to the submission of papers. This will aim at further development of research related to development and practice of education and learning support systems.
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Date of event September 9, 2019
名古屋駅前イノベーションハブ 会議室
Teachers are expected to be lifelong learners who research their practices throughout the course of their professional careers. Our special interest group has a mission that closely relates to teacher education and lesson study, and contributes, not only to creating lessons, but also to educational practices, in general. To this end, we set the following long-term goals.
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Date of event March 14, 2021