
Old Activity of Special Interest Group(SIG)


Media Literacy, Media Education

Representative Yu Nakahashi(Musashi University)
Vice-Representative Yuji Ujihashi(NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute),Kazuyuki Asai(Kyoto University of Education)
SIG committee member Kazunori Sato(Tokoha University)
Core member Kaori Okuizumi (Nippon Sport Science University),Yuko Tsuchiya (Hiroshima University of Economics),Sumiko Nakamura(Tokyo Gakugei University),Yasuhiro Maeda(Kumamoto University),Yosuke Morimoto(Hirosaki University),Toshiro Tsuruta(International University of Health and Welfare)
Advisor Hitoshi Nakagawa(The Open University of Japan),Tatsuya Horita(Tohoku University),Shin Mizukoshi(The University of Tokyo)
  • Our Missions and Goals

    In current modern society, the media environment is becoming complicated. Research on media literacy and media education to develop it has become more important than ever. Numerous individual studies on this research field were conducted and accumulated. However, opportunities to organically link these research results were limited. Therefore, we established this SIG to organize the past findings systematically, to accelerate individual studies, and to disseminate new results that can respond to contemporary issues.

  • Major Activities and Achievements

    In this SIG, we review preceding and ongoing research on media literacy about each of the following themes: (1)concept and elements of component, (2)competency measurement, (3)practical research, (4)teaching material development, (5)teacher training, teacher education, and teacher support, (6)surveys in foreign countries. By doing this, we will strengthen the common foundation of knowledge. In addition, by having opportunities for research exchange with researchers belonging to other academic societies both in Japan and abroad, we will revitalize our research activities.